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Community Survey
By SierraPreta | |
We are seeking feedback through a community survey. This survey is valuable for planning the upcoming kiln season and ensuring our project meets community needs.
The Role of Pyrolysis and Biochar in Wildfire Mitigation
By SierraPreta | | 0 Comments |
Tackling the Growing Threat of Wildfires
EU Recognizes BioChar as a Permanent Solution
By SierraPreta | |
The European Union has officially recognized BioChar as a permanent solution for carbon sequestration and soil enhancement.
Let’s build community
By SierraPreta | |
Sierra Preta celebrates a successful first season of their Community BioChar Project in Andalucia and thanks all participants.
Methane Monitoring Goes Stratospheric
By SierraPreta | |
Advancements in satellite technology have revolutionized methane monitoring. These technological strides mark a significant leap in climate science, enabling more effective actions to combat global warming.
New Law Prohibiting Burns in Alpujarra: A Step Towards Sustainability
By SierraPreta | |
In a significant move towards environmental sustainability, a new law has been enacted in Alpujarra prohibiting open burns of organic materials.
The Role of BioChar as a Soil Amendment
By SierraPreta | | 1 Comments |
Enhancing Fertility, Water Retention, and Carbon Sequestration
Prototype construction update
By SierraPreta | |
Sierra Preta is thrilled to announce significant progress on their first kiln prototype, thanks to generous crowdfunding support.
Enhancing Olive Crop Productivity with Biochar and Compost: A Field Study in Spain
By SierraPreta | | 0 Comments |

Olive yield was increased with 15% the case of Biochar Amendments compared with compost only

Crowd Funding
By SierraPreta | | 0 Comments |

After months of preparation, we are very excited to share our community-driven biochar production project with you!

Our vision is finally coming to life.

Workshops and Presentations
By SierraPreta | |
Once the creation of our first Kiln is complete. We are excited to support people in our community and empower them to get involved by offering workshops and presentations.