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Mission & Vision
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Our Vision is to Regenerate Productive Ecosystems and Stop Desertification.

  • Reduction of open fires for waste management. Leading to better air quality and less risk of wild fires
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Recovery and improvement of the environmental conditions
  • Offering a sustainable material alternative for applications, such as water filtration and construction materials
  • Energy Supply 
  • Reduction of waste
  • Open and accessible for everybody

Community Focused

Environmental Protection

Ecosystem Regeneration

Our Project

Phase 1 

Use of a prototype kiln (Kiln 1) built using reused metal from a local steel workshop in order to make biochar out of wood residues left from previous seasons. The amount of biomass available will be limited (less that 2 tonnes), but the aim at this stage will be to produce biochar for demonstration purposes, in order to have the preliminary results necessary to convince the local council to support our project in initiating phase 2. The organic material available has been identified as:

• Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.) - between 1 and 2 tonnes
• Nettle tree (Celtis australis) - 300 kg
• Mulberry tree (Morus sp.) - 200 kg
• Apricot tree (Prunus sp.) - 50 kg

Pictures of the identified organic material have been provided as part of this post. We are currently working with local landowners to gather more dry organic material for phase 1.

Phase 2

Kiln 1:
Production of biochar from the pruning left after the olive harvest. The vast majority of the organic material to be used during that phase will be Olive wood (Olea europaea) residues from the pruning, which will include small sized (< 10 cm diameter) olive branches. The rest of the olive pruning being traditionally sold as high quality firewood.

Kiln 2:
A new kiln produced with more durable material than the Kiln 1 is expected to be set up at the local council's junkyard in order to pyrolyse all of the wood residues belonging to the council public land. This is still to be discussed with the local council, but the results from the phase 1 will be instrumental to convince the council to be involved in this project. This second kiln will also aimed to be transported to local farmland to perform the function of kiln 1 when needed.

Phase 3

We are expecting to setup more mobile kilns to be spreading in the region to pyrolysis wood residues from the pruning season from local landowners and farmers. We will also approach other waste-intensive industries in the region, such as olive oil mills, to pyrolysis various low-value organic residues existing in extensive amounts. This phase may be supported by the local councils, However we are working towards a business model independent from the political landscape. Around this period, we are planning to start engaging farm lands in other neighbouring regions to provide similar services.


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What We Offer ?

- Community Orientated platform for information and exchange
- Scientific and educational platform for information and exchange
- Events for workshops and presentations
- Interface to carbon credits financing
- Platform for hardware and tool supply


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

What is Sierra Preta?

Sierra Preta is a community initiative focused on regenerating ecosystems and combating desertification in the Sierra Nevada region using BioChar.

What is BioChar?

BioChar is a form of charcoal produced from organic waste that is used to improve soil health, enhance water retention, and reduce carbon emissions.

How does BioChar benefit the environment?

BioChar enriches the soil, promotes plant growth, helps retain water, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and sequesters carbon, thereby reducing greenhouse gases.

Participation and Workshops

How can I participate in the Sierra Preta project?
You can participate by attending our workshops, using kilns on your land, volunteering, donating, or spreading the word about our project.
What do the workshops involve?

Our workshops cover the production and use of BioChar, the benefits of BioChar for soil and the environment, and hands-on training in BioChar techniques.

When is the next workshop scheduled?

Please contact us directly for the latest schedule and to register for upcoming events.

Kilns and Equipment

What are the kilns used for in the project?
The kilns are used to produce BioChar from organic waste, which is then applied to the soil to improve its quality and health.
Can I borrow a kiln for use on my land?

Yes, we offer kilns for use by community members. Please contact us to arrange a time and discuss the logistics.

Research and Development

What research is being conducted by Sierra Preta?
We are continuously researching improved methods for BioChar production and application, as well as its long-term impacts on soil health and ecosystem regeneration.
How can I contribute to the research efforts?

You can contribute by sharing your BioChar application results, participating in studies, or providing financial support for our research initiatives.

Donations and Support

How can I support Sierra Preta?
You can support us by donating, volunteering, participating in our events, and sharing information about our project with others.
Are donations tax-deductible?
Unfortunately Sierra Preta does not currently have tax exemption status as we are a new startup non-for-profit. We are eager to apply as soon as we are legally able.
How will my donation be used?

Donations are used to fund workshops, research, kiln production, and other project activities aimed at ecosystem regeneration and combating desertification

Contact Information

How can I get in touch with Sierra Preta?
You can contact us via our Contact Page or email us directly at
Where is Sierra Preta located?

We are based in the Sierra Nevada region of Andalucia, in a small but thriving mountain town called Orgiva.